HVAC&R | Ferries
Ferries usually operate on a regular schedule with the main purpose of transporting passengers – sometimes in combination with vehicles – from A to B. Depending on the function and route of the vessel, a ferry may be equipped with cabins, restaurants, recreation facilities and car decks. Heinen & Hopman ensures an ideal temperature and air humidity to keep passengers comfortable during their voyage by providing high-quality heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
Fire protection is top priority
Thousand gallons of fuel are bunkered in cars on the ferry decks below, which means that fire protection is of great importance on these vessels. As fire, gas and smoke could spread through a ductwork extremely quickly, it’s essential to equip the ductwork with high-quality fire and gas dampers. They prevent the spread of fire, smoke and gas between fire zones. UV-light technology in galley ductwork eliminates all grease, further reducing fire risk.
To maximize the efficiency of HVAC systems for ferries – thus reducing fuel costs – we can implement both mechanical and automation technologies to safe energy.
Battery- and hybrid ferries
These kinds of ferries are extremely sensitive for energy consumption as the HVAC systems are directly feeding off the batteries installed, and one of the major consumers on the vessel. The less energy we use for HVAC systems the smaller the battery package can be. We have extensive experience in designing HVAC systems with extremely low energy consumption, and recovering as much energy as possible through our innovative design solutions.
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To maximize the efficiency of HVAC systems for ferries – thus reducing fuel costs – we can implement both mechanical and automation technologies to safe energy.