UV Air Purifying Systems
Looking for a way to integrate UV lighting into your HVAC system? At a time where the devastating potency of viruses is all too clear, we advise on some extra safety measures. Our featured products cover two recommendations, one for new builds and one for existing ships. The two recommendations are based on known references, recent papers from DNV-GL, ASHRAE and REHVA.
Heinen & Hopman has examined the available filtration options that could improve virus protection in HVAC systems. Even if SARS-CoV-2 is not airborne, the next virus may be. The UV light improves the general hygienic situation on board and also protects your crew and passengers against symptoms such as headache, lethargy, excessive fatigue, irritations of the mucous membranes and running eyes. However, it is still important to maintain the air ducts properly.
Using a UV purifying system for new-build HVAC systems
A UV purifying system – also referred to as ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) – uses ultraviolet energy to disable viral, bacterial and fungal organisms. UVC light has enough energy to damage the structure of nucleic acids and proteins at the molecular level. The most important of these is DNA, which is responsible for cell replication. An organism that cannot reproduce is no longer capable of causing disease.
Using a UV purifying system for existing HVAC systems
Building a conventional UV-C system within your current installation is not possible in most cases as you need lots of space inside your air handling unit that is rarely available. As ultraviolet oxidizers can be used in confined spaces they are a good alternative upgrade to your existing system.
What is the difference between UV-C purification and UV-C oxidation?
Although both systems use UV-C light, they are very different ways of filtering. Conventional UV-C light attacks germs and viruses straight on. A virus that is exposed to UV-C light with a wavelength of 265 nanometres will eventually be disabled if the exposure time is long enough. The area of effect is inside the confined space of the air handling unit.
An ultraviolet oxidation system indirectly attacks biological agents. The system uses UV-C light with lower wavelengths to generate ozone particles which attach, attack and disable microorganisms. Here the area of effect is not inside the air handling unit but in the much larger ducting system that follows.
More information about UV-C
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about the UV-C air purifying system. Our skilled engineers are eager to explain the possibilities for your vessel or structure.
Download the UV-C Air Purifying System brochure for detailed information and technical specifications.

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