Exploring Natural Refrigerants

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Natural Refrigerants Whitepaper

Introduction to natural refrigerants

Natural refrigerants are a hot topic. More and more onshore utility based installations are switching to natural gas. What’s the situation in the maritime industry? Selecting the right refrigerant is no easy task as each type has its own pros and cons. Our whitepaper delves into the essential role these substances play in promoting sustainable practices and reducing global warming potential (GWP). And, the whitepaper will also zoom into the most common natural refrigerants so you can understand which one best suits your specific application.

What are natural refrigerants?

Natural refrigerants are substances that occur in nature and are used in cooling systems with minimal environmental impact due to their low GWP. Key examples include Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Ammonia (NH3), and Propane (R290). These refrigerants are not only effective in reducing the carbon footprint of cooling systems but also enhance energy efficiency.

Advantages of natural refrigerants

Environmental impact

Natural refrigerants boast a GWP close to zero, significantly reducing their impact on global warming compared to traditional HFCs.

Energy efficiency

Systems designed with natural refrigerants tend to consume less energy, contributing to lower operational costs and further reducing environmental impact.

Regulatory Compliance

With global regulations tightening around emissions and refrigerant usage, natural refrigerants offer a compliant and future-proof solution.

Analyzing different natural refrigerants

This section of the whitepaper covers detailed analyses of various natural refrigerants:

  • CO2 (R744): Highly efficient under various temperature ranges and non-flammable.
  • Ammonia (R717): Known for its excellent thermodynamic properties but requires careful handling due to its toxicity.
  • Propane (R290): Provides high efficiency and is suitable for a wide range of applications, though it is highly flammable.

Safety and operational considerations

Implementing natural refrigerants involves navigating safety protocols due to their unique properties like flammability and toxicity. Our whitepaper outlines best practices for installation and maintenance to ensure safety and efficiency.

For comprehensive details on natural refrigerants, we invite you to download our extensive whitepaper. Should you have any remaining questions, our team would be happy to assist you.

When required to navigate to regions with extreme climates far from supply lines, it’s important to know you can rely on your HVAC system no matter what.
Michel Veltman - Sales Manager

FAQs about natural refrigerants

What makes natural refrigerants environmentally friendly?

What makes natural refrigerants environmentally friendly?

Are natural refrigerants more expensive than conventional refrigerants?

Can natural refrigerants be used in existing refrigeration systems?

What safety measures are necessary when using natural refrigerants?

How do natural refrigerants compare in terms of performance?

What is driving the renewed interest in natural refrigerants?