H&H HVAC and Refrigeration for Passenger Vessels
Tourism is growing continuously, and remote locations like the Arctic and Antarctic areas become more accessible. These areas are dream destinations for many tourists, and cruise vessel operators are fighting to have the best ships providing the best customer experience.
Passengers on these ships are expecting full luxury cruise standard, enjoying the view of icebergs passing by their cabin windows while they are enjoying a glass of wine in a perfect indoor climate. For these projects the HVAC systems become one of the key systems for customer satisfaction. We can design HVAC systems that meet the highest requirements and satisfy your most demanding customers. Our main focus is on energy-efficient solutions with ultra-low noise levels and minimum energy consumption. Over the last three decades we have garnered enormous experience in creating the perfect environment onboard passenger vessels. Our expertise and long-time involvement in design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning of customised air handling systems has paid dividends for countless owners. We have also introduced many key innovations over the years, such as the Heinen & Hopman fan coil unit. Virtually all the world’s leading yards have been our customers for many years. Fine products must be backed
up by superlative after-sales services. For your convenience, Heinen & Hopman maintains representatives all over the world, assuring you of 24/7 support wherever you may choose to cruise. Our facilities worldwide will provide you with immediate service and maintenance… Guaranteed.

H&H HVAC and Refrigeration for Passenger Vessels
HVAC systems become one of the key systems for customer satisfaction. Heinen & Hopman can design HVAC systems that meet the highest requirements and satisfy your most demanding customers.

When required to navigate to regions with extreme climates far from supply lines, it’s important to know you can rely on your HVAC system no matter what.