What’s your ecological footprint?
Sustainability | What’s your ecological footprint?
When today becomes tomorrow
– By Jeroen Fijan, February 23
“When is your company sustainable?” A question which is raised a lot nowadays. Terms such as global warming, climate change and ecologic sustainability are still trending topics. Why these topics are trending, is because we are more aware of tomorrow. Our tomorrow. Because our energy resources are running out and we can actually count down when that day comes. In this blog I would like to explain how we at Heinen & Hopman figured out some clever solutions and how we stimulate sustainability.
Creating your own ecologic footprint
Sustainable energy today means working on tomorrow. And: the legacy of your children becomes more precious than ever. As an individual, but also as a company. Because companies are responsible for their own ecological footprint in a directly way. In other words, your legacy for nature. For this reason, we want to create our ecological footprint all by ourselves by reducing the use of energy, if possible in a smart way. How we accomplish this at Heinen & Hopman? With initiatives from several departments and ideas from colleagues which led to the following innovative solutions:
Geothermal energy is thermal energy extracted from and stored in the ground, which gives us natural warmth and ground water. Solar energy never runs out and does not release greenhouse gases.
With every kilometer our employees cycle on a yearly base, we sponsor charity.
We reward our employees with company cars that run most efficiently on a monthly base.
No matter how much we produce, all of our industrial waste is recycled for 100%!
Employee at work or gone? Our sensors will detect every movement and switch on or off automatically depending on the activity in the room.
All these solutions have become a part of us and we take it for granted. Our Research & Development department will continue its research every single day looking for more sustainable ways of producing. Proactive and innovative.
Therefore, referring to the question at the beginning of this blog: the question is not: ” When is your company sustainable?” but: ” Is your company sustainable?”.
Jeroen Fijan | Senior R&D Engineer
Jeroen Fijan has been working at Heinen & Hopman since 2001. He started as a draughtsman and, over the years, worked his way up to the top of the R&D division. Sustainability is a top priority in the quest to improve H&H’s products and processes.